Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ideas for assignment #1

To be honest I am not totally sure of what I want to write about for assignment #1, though many different ideas have crossed my mind. If i was forced to write a story right now I think i would choose to write about a day I. spent in Israel. Though this was in most ways a simple guided tour of college students over a 10 day period. During this time i was present for the first round of Palestinian elections. I also got to meet up with old friends, tour the country, break some rules, and even get held at gun-point by israeli security, which was promptly followed by being pulled aside by (to the best of my knowledge) the Shin Bet, or Israeli Secret Service.

Unfortunately, I am currently running out of time in class. I think this would bean interesting topic to use for this assignment because it was a rather unique for this universities population, and I still have a rather large collection of pictures to use, along with locations to map out on Google maps.

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